Servicing, Repairs & Refurbs
As a new stove owner, you may ask the question, “What goes wrong? Do I need to replace anything?”…. yes, periodically.
As part of your annual sweep we check your stove is working safely and efficiently. Rope seals, gaskets or glass seals will deteriorate over time. It is essential to replace these in order to have continued efficiency and performance.
Stove spares may also be required, these are usually fire bricks/vermiculite fire boards, baffle plates, glass etc
Certification is issues after each service, ensuring compliance with your warranty and home insurance requirements.
Prices vary depending on what is required, please contact directly for a quote.

Repairs & Refurbishments
We are able to repair the majority of issues. Whether it’s a small stove repair, a damaged or broken surround or open fire. If you have a problem, its likely we can help, please contact us with your enquiry.
We regularly refurbish tired looking and working stoves, breathing new life into what would seem to be a lost cause. This approach is significantly cheaper than buying a new stove or surround. This also includes but not limited to restoring marble & cast iron surrounds
Do you want a totally different look? we also update tiling, hearth, surrounds and the fire/stove if required.
Please contact for further information & pricing.